THE MACH2.6 INTRODUCES a new control system upgrade in addition to the RADICAL NEW WINGBAR DESIGN that makes the boat much more responsive and efficient.
The improvements to the aerodynamics of the boat makes for a breakthrough in speed and pointing ability.
The 2.6 is the 6th major upgrade to the MACH2 moth, with the 2.5 and 2.4 already a proven winning formula with top results all over the world. The 2.6 is without a doubt showing more speed and control over the previous MACH2 configurations. As you can see reading through the list of updates and advances below, there is not one part of the boat that has not been examined and re-engineered to increase speed and performance. The MACH2 has always been the pace-setter. With the release of the MACH2.6, we continue to be at the cutting edge of Moth design.

Deck Layout
The MACH2.6 introduces a more efficient and user friendly control system to make a better overall experience.
- Sail controls
- all go via central deck plate inside wing tramps to cleats on outer wing bar plate.
- downhaul - on deck 16:1 purchase - continuous.
- vang 48:1 hidden inside sail skirt, (no lever!!) - also continuous.
- outhaul, gearing.
- provision for rake and/or cant.
- Gearing
- on centerboard for easy adjustment and visual feedback.

Wingbar Update
- Technical
- front wing curves upwards to create correct leading edge shape to keep flow attached on the underside of the leeward tramp.
- rear wing curves downward to exhaust and direct the flow on the top surface.
- 60mm higher for enhanced leverage.
- no compression bar.
- Effect
- net effect is to convert what was a very draggy leeward wing to low drag with forward drive.
- i.e. the wingbar and tramp acts like having additional sail area.
- instantly noticeable when you lock into high mode upwind sailing.
2.4 Foils
- Front Vertical
- longer/stiffer.
- revised layup for durability.
- Rear Vertical
- stiffer from added thickness at top.
- thinner where it matters (at T intersection and where it pierces the water).
- top area reinforced with front and back caps.
- Rear Horizontal
- smaller without losing low speed lift.
- reworked sections and plan.
- new intersection geometry and bulb.
- net effect is significantly lower drag.
- 2.41 Front Horizontal
- fully re-engineered from scratch.
- lift off of the 2.3 high Lift.
- downwind speed of the 2.0 small.
- upwind speed out of this world....
- one foil for everything.

- Sail - MSH5 deck sweeper
- bottom skirt transforms upwind performance, reducing drag and powering up the bottom of the sail.
- lightweight hybrid carbon tube/rod battens.
- carbon stiffening allows us to get string sail stability with proven durable materials.
- upwind rocket, massive range.
- Mast - super stiff or stiff
- very tough, historically almost zero failure rate.
- prepreg high modulus compacted multiple times on layup then autoclaved (cooked in pressurized oven like all our components).
- low aspect - low COE.
- double hound - high forestay allows you tighten leach without over bending mast.
- clip on high strength gooseneck.
- Boom -
- super stiff prepreg high modulus carbon.
- compacted multiple times on layup then autoclaved.
- bent for easy transitions.
- Tramps
- zip off for easy replacement without re-splicing controls.
- internal low drag bladders.
- Dacron (black/white/blue/red) or HydraNet ( Dyneema - white only )
- tailored perfectly for the 2.6 wing frame.

- Bowsprit
- 4 bar linkage to modify dynamics of the wand flap relationship for high speed control.
- super stable compared to direct linkage system.
- V2 carbon version very reliable.
- Wand
- neat and streamlined.
- telescopic carbon.
- up & down pull control.
- zero failures for V2 carbon version.

The Hull
- Hull
- strengthened in many places, especially the wing sockets and control tubes.
- amazing clear coat finish!
- painted available.
- Overall -
- The new MACH2.6 is a very polished, complete package that has a similar (huge!) performance/ease of use leap that the Mach2.0 had over its predecessors
- The combination of the MSH5, 2.41 foil, 2.5 wing frame makes this boat illegally high and fast!